BSCI(Time:2010-03-23 16:32:00)
Why does the BSCI request its members to commit ?
The mission of the BSCI is to provide companies with an effective system to improve working conditions in the global supply chain. The BSCI´s mission can only be achieved if all players accept the same level of responsibility. This is true for governments responsible for the design and implementation of labour laws; trade unions who work to defend workers´ rights; and companies as well as business associations who can play an important role through their buying power. In this respect, the BSCI requires its members to integrate the BSCI Code of Conduct within their buying practices and commit to implement the BSCI development-oriented system in their supply chain. The BSCI regularly checks that its members fulfill their commitment and a strict disciplinary procedure exists for those who through lack of action could damage the credibility of the entire system.If you want to know more about BSCI,please click following links or contact us
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