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Refrigerator Energy Conservation Standard will be Promoted Next Year(Time:2010-03-23 17:14:00)
Recently, a debate aroused by the topic of “the constant speed air conditioning’s functions standards promotion” in 2009 has spread generally to refrigerator domain. Like the constant speed air conditioning’s functions promotion, the refrigerator market will also face the function promotion in 2009.
According to the materials provided by Chinese Standardization Research Institute, the newly revised “electric refrigerator for home use power consumption limitation value and function criteria" standard will be officially implemented in 2009. The function level of the refrigerator market wholly has a promotion according to the new standard. The refrigeration freezing box (i.e. two-door electric refrigerators for home use) will enhance 27% in the level 1 of the function, and the function value will enhance 20%. Compared with the previous standard, the function
limitation value enhance 2 function glevel, namely the 5th level in the new function is equal to the 3rd level in the previous one. The function limitation value of the refrigerators, frozen box (i.e. icebox refrigerators, small refrigerator with only the function of freezing) will enhance 1 level, namely the 5th level in the new function is equal to the 4th level in the previous one.
limitation value enhance 2 function glevel, namely the 5th level in the new function is equal to the 3rd level in the previous one. The function limitation value of the refrigerators, frozen box (i.e. icebox refrigerators, small refrigerator with only the function of freezing) will enhance 1 level, namely the 5th level in the new function is equal to the 4th level in the previous one.