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SMETA 6.0 was launched in April 2017.(Time:2017-04-19 15:08:27)
SMETA is developed and maintained by the Sedex Stakeholder Forum (the SSF). The latest version of SMETA (SMETA 6.0) was launched in April 2017. Audits will continue to be held against the SMETA 5.0 standard until the SMETA 6.0 implementation date of the 1st June 2017. Please see below on more information on upcoming webinars.
SMETA consists of four core documents. Version 6 are below:
SMETA Best Practice Guidance (pdf): A best practice guidance on conducting ethical trade audits
SMETA Measurement Criteria (pdf): A set of instructions on the items to be checked by auditors
SMETA Report (download): An audit report format
SMETA CAPR (download): A corrective action plan format
See our infographic – SMETA in Numbers – for a quick overview of SMETA.
There now follows a two month familiarisation phase before the new version replaces SMETA 5.0 on 1st June 2017. During this transition phase:
You will have time to get to know SMETA 6.0. Join one of our SMETA webinars to learn more about the updates and have the opportunity to ask questions. Click here for dates and how to book; Book a webinar
We’ll also be sharing a SMETA 6.0 FAQ which will have more information on the new version and the transition from SMETA 5.0;
You and your supply chain have time to communicate and arrange audit bookings, with the change-over schedule in mind.
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