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TAPA 2017 Security Standards(Time:2016-12-07 10:57:31)
Help us improve the TAPA 2017 Security StandardsWork will soon commence on the next revision of the TAPA Security Standards, which will be released in January 2017. As with all previous reviews, every TAPA member will be given the opportunity to propose improvements to the Standards for consideration by the Association’s World Wide Change Control Board (WWCCB) and the TAPA World Wide Council (WWC).
Our aim is to make this process more transparent to TAPA members and easier to participate in following the significant changes that were made to the current 2014 versions of the Standards. The alignment of the 2014 Standards intended to reduce the impact of future changes on our members and subsequently no major changes are anticipated in the 2017 versions.
All you need to do is click on the following link CLICK HERE and complete the online submission form which will be directed to your regional change control body. Please note only one submission can be made on any one form and please keep in mind that we cannot accept requests that are unclear or have not been submitted using the official online submission tool.
Every change request received for the 2017 Standards will be closely scrutinised and will require a supporting justification. As part of this process, the following conditions have been set:
The 2017 Standards revision schedule will be submitted to members before work commences and final revisions of the Standards will be approved and available to members 6 months before the activation date.
The priority for the WWCCB will be focused on change requests that will meet one or more of the following criteria:
Mitigating new or emerging criminal threats and supported by data analysis.
Cost neutral or cost savings opportunities identified, unless costs are deemed to be justified to address new risks.
Removal of redundant requirements.
Simplification of requirements deemed overly complex by members.
Reformatting to improve layout and access to content.
Changes that have operational/cost impacts and are not supported by a sufficient business or risk-driven justification will be out of the scope of this process.
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